
Express Windows

To facilitate integrations, Postalytics provides an easy way to accomplish some of the more UI-intensive tasks on the platform. Express Windows allow the account to:

  • Build, proof, and save templates.
  • Run the campaign creation wizard.
  • View campaign analytics.

User Flow

Within your platform, you will need to follow this flow to use Express Windows:

First, you will need an account that is logged in and allowed to perform various functions. Once you have an account, call the LoginLinks API, passing in the account’s ID and API key. This will return an auto-login link that can be used for a short period of time. Take that link and build either an iframe, modal, or a standard popup window to display the Postalytics Express Window content.

Step 1: Create Account or Use an Existing Account

<a onclick="openWin('<%=autoLoginLink%>');">Create New Template</a>
    function openWin(url) {
        var win = window.open(url, "Express Window", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,top=10,left=0,width=1200,height=1000");
        var pollTimer = window.setInterval(function () {
            if (win.closed !== false) { 
        }, 300);

The <%=autoLoginLink%> is server-side code placed into the front-end HTML. It is the link that you just generated.

The pollTimer function is used to refresh the calling window. It’s not required, but if you want to pull the details of the template you just created into a template listing on your side, the pollTimer will help with that.

Step 4: Allow the User to Interact with the Express Window

Once they have completed their session, the window will close, and the auto-login link will no longer be valid.


Once you are set up with an API account, you will have access to all the accounts connected through you. You will also have access to a branding feature that allows you to update colors and your logo on the Express Window.

Login to your API account, and you will see the following options.


Clicking on Branding will allow you to adjust the look and feel of the Express Window popups.


Based on the branding set by you in your API account, the Express Window will look like the following:



There are a few pages that are accessible as Express Windows. From the LoginLink API call, you will pass in the page you want the user to go to. The choices are:

  • template-create
  • template-edit
  • campaign-create
  • campaign-edit
  • campaign-dashboard
  • contact-import

The following shows the starting screens for those window calls.

Template Create

The Create Template Express Window allows you to pick from a template library or start from scratch.

create template.jpeg


Template Edit

The Template Edit Express Window allows you to easily edit a template using our direct mail editor.

template edit.jpeg

Campaign Create

The Campaign Create Express Window allows you to walk through the campaign creation wizard for both Smart Sends and Triggered Drip Campaigns.

create campaign.jpeg

comfirm page.jpeg


Contact Import

With the contact import express window, you can import lists and map fields for use in a smart send campaign.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 202923.jpeg

import contact.jpeg


