EndpointId of the flow to use in unenroll.
Recipient’s city, can be up to 100 characters long
Recipient’s state, must be a 2-letter state short-name code or a valid full nam
Recipient’s street, can be up to 100 characters long
Recipient’s zip code, must be in valid zip format
Recipient’s first name must be between 1 and 50 characters long.
Recipient’s last name must be between 1 and 50 characters long.
Recipient’s address 2. If provided, can be up to 100 characters long.
Recipient’s company. If provided, re can be up to 100 characters long.
Recipient’s email. If provided, can be up to 100 characters long.
Recipient’s mobile phone, can be up to 100 characters long
Recipient’s occupation, can be up to 100 characters long
Recipient’s phone. If provided, can be up to 100 characters long.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Any string up to 255 characters.
Recipient’s website, can be up to 100 characters long
The id of the contactlist associated with this flow.
The date and time when the flow was created.
The endpointId of the flow.
The id of the flow.
Active status of the flow. 1 = published and active, 0 = draft mode
The date and time when the flow was last modified.
The name of the flow.
The date when the contact was enrolled on this flow